In September, 1939, Britain declared war on Germany. With the intention of breaking the morale of the British people, Hitler decided to begin bombing Britain’s major cities, thus forcing Churchill to negotiate. The campaign, however, had the reverse effect, bringing the people together to face a common enemy.

The evacuation of Britain, at the beginning of World War II, often referred to as “Operation Pied Piper”, saw the displacement of 1.5 million children, pregnant women and vulnerable people, two thirds of which came from London. “Evacuees” is the story of one such family.

…….my family

 (with music by Ron Gletherow)

“Evacuees”, the story and the music can be heard here in these three podcasts

Songs by Ron Gletherow
All incidental music composed and performed by Ron Gletherow

**Please note that the podcasts are listed here in the wrong order, which I’m unable to correct so be sure to listen to part 1, then 2, then 3**

© Ron Gletherow 2021


(Opening sequence video)

With opening narration by Max Milligan.

Further narration, George Gletherow (as himself)